Boris Mizhen Explains Major Shift in Mobile Online Advertisement

Boris Mizhen -- Explains Major Shift in Mobile Online Advertisement
Boris Mizhen — Explains Major Shift in Mobile Online Advertisement

2015 marked the first year where mobile Internet traffic outpaced that from desktop or laptop computers, indicating a significant change in how users access and respond to online advertisements. In addition, mobile technology has shifted to include wearable apps with the releases of devices like the Apple Watch and Fitbit, among others. The swing has not gone unnoticed by Boris Mizhen, a New York real estate developer who has been a long-time technology advocate within the real estate industry.

Watching these trends closely, Boris Mizhen has been able to successfully leverage online presence and social media marketing in his work as a business strategist and property developer, honing a sharp and keen instinct for digital marketing. Throughout his career, he has been behind several online startups, helping to provide great service and expertise for these ventures, thus boosting outcomes for consumers and companies alike.

The migration to mobile advertising is also shaking up the political world. In the 2008 elections, around $22 million was spent on online marketing; for this election cycle, that number is expected to jump to over $1 billion. That will mean fine-tuned, pinpoint ads on platforms like YouTube can quickly go viral for an even bigger reach. In many ways, it promises to be a complete rewrite of the rule book for political advertising strategies. Mizhen also notes that 2016 will be the year for Google to deploy “app indexing,” whereby businesses will organize and upgrade apps for a more user-friendly approach. “Apps can already do everything that a desktop site can,” said Mizhen. “We are only a few years away from making websites, as we know them, obsolete. This means the current online patterns are bound to change, making 2016 pivotal in how companies tackle this issue.”

With both his real estate development properties and philanthropic work, Boris Mizhen has made mobile online marketing a vital part of his marketing toolbox. He realizes that it’s important for the real estate world to stay abreast of and take advantage of the rapid pace of innovation in the tech industry, and its implications for social media marketing and mobile online advertising. Mizhen is confident that this is something that will prove to be a highly useful tool for his clients, especially for the new generation of property managers and renters. He has also been harnessing the power of big data and applying it to mobile online advertising models. With the realization of how large amounts of consumer data has been collected from the Internet, experts agree that it’s logical to explore ways to use it for accurate and personal marketing efforts.

“The talent lies in making sense of endless streams of information,” says Boris Mizhen. “The gathering is constant, and the storage has become less expensive with each new generation of memory. But to process that data, and to interpret the patterns and trends, is where the challenge lies today. It isn’t just about ‘big data’ – it’s about the ‘right data’.”

Boris Mizhen is a New York City-based real estate developer and software entrepreneur who has developed numerous advertising and marketing websites. Along with his online endeavors, Mizhen is a devoted philanthropist and donates considerable time and energy to non-profits and other charitable organizations, such as Chabad of the Shoreline and The Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven. He follows in the footsteps of his inspirations by remaining dedicated to improving the lives of people in local communities.

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